Monday, April 20, 2009


Q) What is a man driven by, reason or emotion?
Ans) Both.

Q) But which is more logical?
Ans) Reason.

Q) And which is more common?
Ans) Emotion.

Generally it is misinterpreted and thought that reason and emotion are the same. However, they are not. Reason is logical as well as rational thinking. Whereas emotion involves no thinking. Nevertheless, ironically both involve questioning. For example: If a person does not want to cheat in an examination and he /she questions himself/herself:
'Why do I not want to cheat in an exam?'
Using Emotion:
'Because I do not want to be dishonest and become the talk of the school if caught.'
Using Reason:
'Because I do not want to get caught and loose marks.'
Generally, reason is misunderstood. Agreed, reason can limit or narrow down freedom and make
many ristrictions but it does nat mean people should over power reason with emotion. Because emotion does not always lead an individual in a correct direction. For example: If two sibblings are given their father's property and the elder son gets more property then:
i) If controlled by reason the younger sibbling will understand that beacuse his brother is older, he will get more of the property.
ii) If driven by emotion the younger sibbling will at first feel sad, then jealous, then angry and soon will start hating his elder brother.
Therefore, if emotion gets control of the mind it is poisonous as there is no base of thinking/ no thought process will take place. Everything is based on ones personal likes and dislikes which creates a bias. Therefore, practical reasoning is a must and emotion should only follow - never overrule reason.


  1. Very nice Shreyas!
    Can and must "emotions NEVER overrule reason"?

  2. Thankyou Ms. I am actually very happy that you liked the work. No Emotions must never overrule reason as there will be no logical as well as rational thinking process and a person will go austrey. However yes, Emotions can overrule reason, which is incorrect and must be controlled.
