Wednesday, April 29, 2009


MUMBAI MIRROR, dated April 29th, Page: 50- Mind Chow
" Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking."
The source of the above phrase is the Mumbai Mirror newspaper, dated April 29th. The character an individual portrays is governed by reason. What does 'he' think of me? How do 'I' look? However, when no one is looking the character brought out by an individual is purely based on emotion. Reason is shunned away as the individual when alone is free and not being looked at or judged. Therefore, emotions burst out and generally individuals do rather strange things when alone. For example: In the past the Moghul emperor Shah Jahan in front of his subjects portrayed himself as a ruthless demon, who everyone should fear. However, when alo ne, he would spend time with his wife and duaghters and portray himself as a family man. It is ethical to some extent, to use reason to portray one's character in public as emotions can drive people to express unparliamentary behavior. It is difficult, rather unfair for emotions to be dominated 24x7 by reason. Therefore, when alone emotions are expressed to the fullest, without any restrictions. The clichéd saying 'Never judge a book by its cover' is apt in this context. What an individual portrays his/her character to be, may not be his/her true self. And, because of what he/she portrays, the opposite person eventually frames a character of him/her which may or may not be true. Thus, they are judged. For example: If a student sees a long mathematics problem, he will at first sight think that the sum will be difficult, even thought the sum may be easy, and he will not solve the sum. Similarly, individuals are generally not what theyu show. Aperson who appears to be very finicky about things, may actually be very relaxed.
The biased in this situation is towards people's characters when no one is looking. I am for the phrase. Nobody likes to be judged therefore, people express their emotions only when no one is looking. Many boys, like to appear as macho men, but at home they will br the ones who stick to their mother's skirts. The boys who hate to kiss their mothers in public may actually appear to be mama's boys. Characters are only images of individuals, they change during different situations, therefore, no one can tell if an individual is expressing his/her true character or not.

1 comment:

  1. This was interesting but the Shah Jahan bit was probably out of context. Public life vs personal life debate is an issue very different from what you are trying to raise here
