Saturday, June 13, 2009

K@W- 13th June

Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. ~Albert Einstein
The source of the above quotation is from the intenet. The site is:
The language of mathematics cannot be understood by anyone, not even mathematicians. this is because we the knowers judge this subject by our own perception. We refuse to logically reason out, and jump to conclusions. Without mathematics no progress in the field of science, arts, and commercial studies/application is possible. Math influences one's emotions and perception, thus no statement or judgement can be put against this subject.
Mathematics, is the only subject which becomes whatever we make it to be. This is beacuse it deals with our own perception (our outlook of the subject), our emotion (the love for or hatered for the subject), our language (the way in which we encode it), and our reason (the way we decode and understand the subject).
Mathematics is needed in science and commercial studies/application. For example: physics contains numericals and problems such as, finding the mass of an obect or calculating the inertia of a moving body when gravity is 9.8g. In chemistry maths is required to find the isomers and mole concept. Even biology requires maths. In biology there are problems of calculating a cells magnification number, also in genetics the entire "punets square" is based on mathematical laws. Commercial studies also requires math. Topics such as income tax, debit and credit statements and addition of balance sheets revolve entirely upon pure mathematics.
"Mathematics is used inday to day life." "How is it used?"- this is logical thinking and resoning. Before lunch or dinner, when a mother and the son/daughter of the house lay the table, they unknowingly use mathematics. Generally the table is laid in a complete semetrical way. While cooking also maths is used. How much sugar should be used? 2 spoons. How much milk? Half a liter. Stir the broth in a circular manner! Unknowingly, the concept of measurements and quantity is used. The mathematics does not always refer to formulas or theorems. It can also refer to the simple counting of numbers.
The arts are also based on mathematics. How? Now this requires logical reasoning.
If it were not for mathematics the Monalisa would not have been so perfect. Leonardo da Vinci had used the concepts of dimensions and semetry to paint the Monalis. The Taj Mahal, which is known as a master piece is purely based on mathematics. The reason behind the tilt of Leaning Tower of Pissa is becuase of a calculation error. Dance and songs require mathematics. No dance or song would be in rhythm and tempo if it were not for the counting and number of beats and steps.
In science one cannot deviate from a law. In histiry one cannot change the date when India got her independence. However, in mathematics one problem can be solved in various methods and still be correct. For example: Trignometery has it own method (the sin, cos, tan rule) in which it is to be solved. However using puthagoras theorem and sometimes quadratics equations ome can solve trignometery. Statistics and Quadratic Equations both can be used to find Profit And Loss, even though all three are completely different topics. If logic is used then various methods till date can be invented to derive an anwer from a completely different topic. This is the beauty of Mathematics.

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