Monday, July 27, 2009

The following article was an email sent to me. It is originally a work od the author Deepak Chopra.


Subject: Making Yourself Irresistible....simple...&...superb!!! Deepak Chopra

Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 09:27:49 +0000

The Article:

When you exhibit positive and negative qualities, you are not flawed; you are complete. When you are comfortable with your shadow, when you embrace your shadow because this is how the infinite consciousness made you, then you are attractive beyond measure, and your life is an adventure. You are natural when you are comfortable with your ambiguity, and nothing is more beautiful than being natural. When you are comfortable with both your strengths and weaknesses, you radiate simple, unaffected humanity. This is the essence of being lovable because you are not subject to behaviors that drive love away. You do not constantly look for approval by getting caught up in thinking: What do others think of me? Am I superior, am I inferior? Do people like me, or do they dislike me? You don’t constantly compare yourself to an ideal that doesn’t exist. Your ego doesn’t say to you, “I’m not good enough. I’m not pretty enough. I’m not handsome enough. I’m not rich enough.”If your experience of yourself is object-referred, it is fear-based and resistant to what is. If your experience of yourself is self-referred, it is love-based and accepting of what is. Self-referred people are natural and unaffected by the opinions of others. They are innocent, simple and childlike. Thank you, God, for making me just like I am. I have good things, and I have bad things; I have all things in me. I am complete. Self-acceptance, total self-acceptance, means self-forgiveness. When you forgive yourself and stop judging yourself, then you won’t judge others, and there will be less conflict in the world.All relationship is a mirror to the self. Identify the qualities that attract you to others, and the qualities that repel you. Write them down on a piece of paper. This is who you are. And if you accept yourself as you are, and love yourself as you are, you become immensely attractive because you are natural.


The source of the above article is an email sent to me. It is a perfect example of what a person who reasons with the heart and not with the mind, will perceive about life. The thought process is completly opposite from that of a human being who thinks logically and expects a provable reason to any topic/matter. Such thinking generally deals with emotion rather than reason. However, it will not be correct to say that a man of science and mathematics will disaprove of this article, because the author himself is a doctor in the US and treats cancer patients via yogic chants and other experiments regarding spirituality and not modern science. The first sentence of the article talks about how man can be complete by attaining the knowledge of exhibiting positive as well as negative qualities. A man who works with reason rather than perception and emotion may give a counter argument by stating that the human body and mind can never attain a complete stae as every secound it develops and evovles. It is a vicious cycle. "Life is an adventure." one point which all agree upon. However, the reasons do differ. Both, a man who thinks with his heart and a man who thinks with his mind will agree that adventure in life only occurs by progress. But, the term progress also varies, for one it may be progress of the mind, spirit and soal, whereas for the other progress may mean the progress in technology or economic growth and development. The author's sayings are similar to that of the Buddha's who says that love must be so powerful that it cannot be conqured. To a common man, this may sound foolish or even wise but difficult. It is not easy not to hate a person. In this case there is a clash between reason and emotion. The common man would not mind loving all, but according to his reason it is not possible to love everybody. The author's teachings may sound gibberish to the self oppsessed people who cannot think of anything else but themselves and what people think about them. First, it is not ethical to judge and by not judging yourself you will autimatically stop judging others. Nevertheless, there are a few people in the world who try their best but cannot stop judging, others and themselves. Ego is something that science cannot understand. it is not created by a hormone, nor is it created by technology. Ego is the peak of all emotions and cannot be understood by the lay man. Ego is something that affects an individuals perception and thus perception of different poeople vary. Thought of every individual is like their perception is varies due to certain factors such as emotion, ego, background, etc. Where one thinks from is very important. The language communicted by the mind and the heart ae poles apart and therefore the action done is also very different. Nevertheless, it is dangerous to only think from the heart or to only think from the mind. One should know when to listen to the reason and when to give in to emotions. This in my opinion is true progress.